The energy of Archangel Michael that comes through Trance Channel Jeff Fasano tells us that it originates from a divine source in the fifth dimensional realm known as the Archangelic Realm of Michael. The energy is a powerful, high vibrational frequency that vibrates at a specific frequency and largely pertains to the personal process.
Archangel Michael’s teachings seek to move us from our mind to heart so that we may develop self-love in order to more fully explore the questions: Who am I, and why am I here? The teachings from Michael help us to love, honor and value ourselves so we can create the life we were meant to live and have the courage to live it.
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for March 2025: Who Are You Being?
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for February 2025: Open Your Heart: Shine Your Light on the Shadow
Archangel Michael Speaks: An Overview for 2025: A Year of Enlightenment
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for August 2024: The Fulfillment of You
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for July 2024: A Bridge into the New You
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for June 2024: New Discovery and New Beginnings
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for May 2024: Closing the Doors to the Old
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for April 2024: Taking Inventory to Clear and Cleanse
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for March 2024: A Reconnection to the Spirit Self
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for February 2024: Are you Fulfilled Within You?
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for 2024: A Year of Commitments
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for December 2023: A Time for Closure
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for November 2023: Being Transparent with Who You Are
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for October 2023: A Month of Value
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for September 2023: Releasing the Energy of the Old
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for August 2023: A Period of Transition
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for July 2023: A Time for Celebration
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for June 2023: Illuminating the Shadow Within
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for May 2023: Your Journey Through Life is Sacred
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for April 2023: A Beginning to the Beingness of Self
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for March 2023: Experiencing You in the Experience in Life
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for February 2023: Move to a New level of Compassion
Archangel Michael Speaks: A Message for 2023: Emerging into the Greatness of Who You Are